» PDF Happily Ever Esther Two Men a Wonder Pig and Their LifeChanging Mission to Give Animals a Home Steve Jenkins Derek Walter 9781538728130 Books
Frankie Hall on Thursday, June 6, 2019
PDF Happily Ever Esther Two Men a Wonder Pig and Their LifeChanging Mission to Give Animals a Home Steve Jenkins Derek Walter 9781538728130 Books

Product details - Paperback 240 pages
- Publisher Grand Central Publishing; Reprint edition (July 9, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1538728133

Happily Ever Esther Two Men a Wonder Pig and Their LifeChanging Mission to Give Animals a Home Steve Jenkins Derek Walter 9781538728130 Books Reviews
- This is the second book in the magical Esther the Wonder Pig saga. The first book was about the early days, the fund raising for and the move to the sanctuary, Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary. This second book starts there. It will have you laughing outloud, crying profusely, and by the time you are at the recipes in the back, you'll be planning your next vacation checking your passport for a trip volunteering or touring the sanctuary in Canada.
Steve and Derek are an amazing couple, and Esther is truly a magical being, and together thry are changing the world, touching hearts and minds with kindness and love and compassion for all beings, the human and non human kind.
You will love this book!!!! - I read it in one sitting. They are so honest and real. I enjoyed the book and will continue to follow the story of these two young men that are trying to do so much. I wish them all the best.
- I loved Esther’s Dads before I read this book & now along with the love I am in awe of them. Everyone should read both of their books.
If you follow Esther on her FB page, it’s always lighthearted, sunshine & rainbows. Both books show you the truth about living with a 650 lb
toddler & running a sanctuary. I have been Vegan for over 35 years, Esther let’s non vegans think about becoming more compassionate to all beings. I didn’t want this book to end & cannot wait for the next one. - You will laugh and cry, often at the same time! Continues the story of the 650 lbs mini pig Esther and her two dads as they move into their new home on the farm. This is one for all animal lovers. It's a bit different though in it is a story of farm animals rather than typical dogs and cats, though there are those too that you will also love. Here you'll find pigs, cow, goats etc. You'll see farm animals show The love, affection, and intelligence you may not expect from your "food". You may just find yourself no viewing food in a different light. Steve and Derek tells of their journey into becoming vegan with none of the preaching you may have come to expect and do it without making anyone feel guilty. Believe me, you don't have to be vegan to enjoy this book and fall in love with this beautiful family. The world has fallen in love with this very unique family and we get to follow on their journey to build a sanctuary for neglected, abused and forgetting farm animals. They knew nothing about how to accomplish this but forged ahead with nothing but love, hopes and dreams to not only see it happen but to exceed all goals. They tell the story of success and failures, of years of joy and sadness with the most amazing sense of humor. They leave nothing out. Fair warning there is adult language with f-bombs included. I didn't mind a bit as I've been know to throw around a few myself and in my opinion this just adds to the honesty. I can't wait till the next one comes out.
- This book is just as amazing as the first one. Esther's dads use the same candor and compassion that made the first book so delightful.
One thing that I would caution about with this book is that there is a section or two where they give detailed descriptions about the lives of pigs and cows that are used for commercial food purposes. I was shocked and sickened, and I had to stop reading for a little bit until I processed it all in my head. This is not their fault by any means, they are just trying to spread awareness of how these animals are treated!
It is because of Esther that I am working my way towards being a vegetarian. I am not perfect, I still eat fish and chicken. But I don't eat any other meat, and my next steps will be using vegan cheese and cruelty-free ice cream. I already don't drink milk.
This book is for anyone who loves Esther and other animals and wants to understand them better, or even to just share more kindness to help make the world a better place. - In this second book from Steve and Derek, we get to see a glimpse of the many emotions and the enormous amount of work they had upon first arriving at the farm. From the house itself, to a temperamental teen piggy, to the arriving animals,and even a few unpredictable people, the two men quickly learned to navigate around a farm. While the work was, and is hard, their recipe is simple...they followed their hearts and a cute little smiling pig, who is all about kindness - and took a giant leap of faith. Loved the variety of stories and insight the book provided into this truly inspiring family. I can't wait for book three, which will hopefully include Corno, Alice and Phil! Great read!
- Having thoroughly enjoyed the two previous Esther books, I was anxiously awaiting the release of Happily Ever Esther (I preordered it in February 2018). Needless to say, this sequel didn't disappoint. In his familar forthright and witty style, Steve documents the trials and tribulations of establshing the Happily Ever Esther Sanctuary. This is an honest account of the hardships endured and the sacrifices Steve and Derek made in pursuit of their dream. Having had the wonderful opportunity to visit the sanctuary the first year it opened, and meeting Steve, Derek, and Esther, I could relate to many of their adventures. This book gives the reader insight into the realistic story behind the entertaining social media posts. The obstacles faced were significant and numerous, but giving up was never an option. Steve, Derek, and the entire Esther family are truly an inspiration. The fact that the relationship established between two men and an extremely large pig (not your ordinary house pet) could move them to completely turn their lives around to fight for an end to animal cruelty never ceases to amaze me. Happily Ever Esther is a testament to love, strength, perseverance, risk taking, compassion . . . (I could go on). It also is a testament to hope, an idea that is pervasive throughout the book. It gives readers the power to believe that kindness is possible in a world so often fraught with hate and cruelty. This is such a moving and heartwarming story. Everybody should read it.