» Ebook AFOQT Secrets Study Guide AFOQT Test Review for the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test AFOQT Exam Secrets Test Prep Team Mometrix Armed Forces Test Team Books
Frankie Hall on Monday, June 3, 2019
Ebook AFOQT Secrets Study Guide AFOQT Test Review for the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test AFOQT Exam Secrets Test Prep Team Mometrix Armed Forces Test Team Books

Product details - Paperback 207 pages
- Publisher Mometrix Media LLC; Stg edition (March 15, 2016)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1630949957

AFOQT Secrets Study Guide AFOQT Test Review for the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test AFOQT Exam Secrets Test Prep Team Mometrix Armed Forces Test Team Books Reviews
- I used this book as part of my test prep for the AFOQT that I took this month, and would NOT recommend it as a primary study guide.
It includes a situational judgement portion, which gives you a feel for that section of the test
Science review is physical science only, which matches the new Form T test (yet, the science portion doesn't seem to count for anything according to the official Air Force information pamphlet).
The review sections are decent, but very basic. Where it really falters is the practice tests--the questions are basic and very easy, especially on the math portion. For the instrument comprehension, the plane images are a propeller plane, not anything the Air Force flies (refer to the official USAF study material, found on the TBAS website). It works for extra practice, but don't use only this. Block counting images are too large, and somewhat distorted. The table reading section is rather worthless, though this is consistent with the other study book I used. I would again refer you to the official USAF study material for that section.
The best summary I can provide is what is written on the back cover as a purported "review"--"I finally aced the test after taking it numerous times." Anyone taking the AFOQT should know that you are only allowed to take it TWICE in your lifetime. This very much feels like a poorly put together gimmick. I would instead recommend the Barron's Military Flight Aptitude test book, which I found to be much superior. I have also heard good things about the Peterson's Military Flight Aptitude book, though I have not personally used it. - Not bad, this is one of two books I purchased to study and definitely on the easier side. I also believe it is not as well put together as the other book purchased which is the TRIVIUM AFOQT practice test book. Again not a waste of money but definitely not the quality of the other book purchased. I have yet to take the test and will update usefulness after that.
I finally took the test, Wow what a mental marathon that was (nearly 5 hours long). Anyway my initial estimate was correct, this book is definitely watered down and I wouldn't say prepares you for the test. That being said I do believe it would be of great value to those who have been out of school for some time. I've recently finished my BaS so many of the problems in this book were very easy and simple, but if you need to re-establish a base and ease back into these topics I would recommend this book, it did do a good job of detailing how to solve problems in the math portions which is valuable to those who need it.
Hope this helps, - I just took this test last week and did quite well on it. It got right to the point, no fluff info about how to solve a basic equation. If you're in school, and an engineering major, all that extraneous info is not needed - you already know it. Test was basically the exact same as what was on the practice tests. The verbal analogies in this book I would say were more difficult but if anything that is better for test prep. Avionics info didn't look anything like what was on the test... maybe like 1 or 2 questions but the rest was *general* knowledge. By general I mean if you're a pilot you'll know the answers. I bought this and another book to study and this was much better. The other book is published by Trivium. I would recommend the Trivium one if you've been out of school for a while or the material is new to you. No I'm not a paid reviewer, I bought 2 different books in order to extract the best from both and see which was better. It is hard to find the "all-in-one, comprehensive" book for these sort of tests. To summarize my thoughts buy this book!
- Comparing this book to another one I purchased it isn't as thick and the information is error proof. Clear and precise flow of information, just after reading the first few pages I was more motivated to continue my studies then my previous purchase of different companies AFOQT study guide.
- I wouldnt recommend this book for anything other than just an additional pool of sample questions to practice on. It provided decent info to study with but the practice tests were too easy compared to the actual test. Look into other, thicker, more in depth books.
- I purchased the AFOQT Secrets study guide and so far, things are going well. I'm really glad I purchased this because I feel like the guidance is more than just step by step, but how to approach, comprehend, and overcome the hurdles that will be thrown throughout the test. I took the test once, cold turkey and I have one more shot to take it--ever. I'll make it count this time with higher scores than before!
- No resemblance to actual test. Of zero help.
- First thing you'll notice is how small and thin the book is. It barely covers the material without any practice test, just questions. The are errors and when I contacted the company they tried to defend themselves, finally admitting the errors they ignored my emails.